29426-E1-XL FAG

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1 131.813 €/db

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29426-E1-XL FAG

d Bore diameter 130 mm
D Outside diameter 270 mm
T Height 85 mm
Ca Basic dynamic load rating, axial 1.700.000 N
C0a Basic static load rating, axial 4.350.000 N
Cua Fatigue load limit, axial 460.000 N
nG Limiting speed 2.600 1/min
nϑr Reference speed 1.360 1/min
≈m Weight 20,48 kg
da min Minimum diameter shaft shoulder 195 mm
Da max Maximum diameter of housing shoulder 227 mm
db max Maximum distance sleeve 153 mm
db1 max Maximum champfer diameter of distance sleeve 143 mm
ra max Maximum recess radius 3 mm
d1 Rip diameter shaft washer 240 mm
rmin Minimum chamfer dimension 4 mm
T3 Height of the shaft washer 54 mm
T5 Distance shaft washer - cage 75 mm
A Distance of the center point 81 mm
Tmin Operating temperature min. -30 °C
Tmax Operating temperature max. 200 °C
Cage Sheet metal cage JP
Locating feature, shaft washer Without
Handling thread holes Without
Heat treatment Standard
Constricted width and inclination variation Standard
Test certificate Without