32007-XDY-XL FAG

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15.552 €/db

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A - Eltérõ furat, görgõ, rádiusz vagy palástátmérõ.

32007 XDY 32007 X*FAG

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32007-XDY-XL FAG

d Bore diameter 35 mm
D Outside diameter 62 mm
B Width, inner ring 18 mm
C Width, outer ring 14 mm
T Width, total 18 mm
Cr Basic dynamic load rating, radial 49.500 N
C0r Basic static load rating, radial 53.000 N
Cur Fatigue load limit, radial 8.300 N
nG Limiting speed 14.100 1/min
nϑr Thermal speed rating 7.100 1/min
≈m Weight 222 g
da max Maximum diameter of shaft shoulder 40 mm
db min Minimum diameter of shaft shoulder 41 mm
Da max Maximum diameter of housing shoulder 56 mm
Ca min Minimum axial space 4 mm
Cb min Minimum axial space 4 mm
ra max Maximum fillet radius of shaft 1 mm
r1, 2 min Minimum chamfer dimension of inner ring back face 1 mm
r3, 4 min Minimum chamfer dimension of outer ring back face 1 mm
a Distance between the apexes of the pressure cones 15 mm
d1 Guidance rib diameter of inner ring 50,3 mm
Tmin Operating temperature min. -30 °C
Tmax Operating temperature max. 120 °C
e Limiting value of Fa/Fr for the applicability of diff. Values of factors X and Y 0,45
Y Dynamic axial load factor 1,32
Y0 Static axial load factor 0,73
Tolerance class Class 6X (ISO 492:2014), Tolerance of radial runout tKia, tKea and axial runout tSia reduced P6XXL